Graduating from university is an incredible accomplishment, but earning a doctorate degree takes it to the next level. This is exactly what my childhood best friend, Callie, has achieved by graduating from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama with her Doctorate in Pharmacy. I couldn’t be more proud of her, and it’s an honor to write […]
Graduating from university is an incredible accomplishment, but earning a doctorate degree takes it to the next level. This is exactly what my childhood best friend, Callie, has achieved by graduating from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama with her Doctorate in Pharmacy. I couldn’t be more proud of her, and it’s an honor to write […]
The Glass House is an amazing space for photographs. It’s a perfect blank canvas for any wedding! The floor to ceiling windows and white walls make it a photographers dream. It has beautiful spaces for your wedding ceremony and just think about those awesome reception photos! Vendors:Planning @alexandria_gracephotography @bohemewinterphotographyVenue @carringtonkite @kite_kevin66 @mikayla_hulseybiggs1001@biggs_hunter @trin_rid @hoganhollanWedding gown @jandrewsbridalFlorals @araizafloralsHMU @bhilsbeauty
I had the BEST time capturing this wedding at Hampton Cove Wedding Venue – only 8 minutes away from where I grew up! Even with the rain, we made some amazing photos! I’m so excited to be able to come back here more often now, to visit my family and capture more beautiful moments for […]
Leigh Ann and Andrew’s Burritt on the Mountain Wedding was absolutely stunning in my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama. These two went to Ole Miss together in college but were just acquaintances. After college, they both got stationed in Savannah, GA for the Army and a mutual friend put them in touch. They became friends and […]
Elizebeth and Brian are so in love with each other it is just contagious. I met Elizebeth while shopping for my own wedding dress! We hit it off and when she discovered I was a photographer and the rest was history! They tied the knot at one of the best venues in North Carolina the […]
Alright I know many have been wondering what the story was for us to elope so quickly! If you are new to my website this ,is my story with my husband. We have been dating since we were 12 years old! Yes, that means middle school sweethearts. I thought I was the coolest girl in […]
When you sister comes to you with an idea you just have to run with it! My sister Jenna is one of the most stylish people I know. She wears clothes that I could never dream of pulling off. She shops in a ton of vintage stores so she actually already had most of the […]
I had such a wonderful time photographing this wedding in Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii. This wedding took place at the Mid-Pacific Country Club. Surrounded by these beautiful views they decided to not only tie the knot but also announced to their friends and family that they were expecting a baby!
You can’t get a more beautiful spot than the beaches of Hawaii! I was honored to take this families photos to welcome their newest addition into the world via photographs! The mountains and beach in the photos is something I will always dream of photographing again and hopefully I will be back to the wonderful […]