5 Best Couple Poses – From a Photographer

5 Best Couple Poses – From a Photographer

Are you a photographer? Or are you headed off your your first couples shoot nervous if you are going to be awkward for the camera? Either one this guide is for you! I Love photographing couples and I like to guide my couples with prompts to get that natural look!

  1. Forehead to Forehead!

Okay, this is my FAVORITE pose. It is so easy to do and I have loved every couple that has done it. If you notice all my top photos are going to be this pose!

2. Blow a Raspberry

This is more of a action but I have my couples do this typically guy to back of girls neck! It creates laugher and fun during the photoshoot!

  3. The Tipsy Walk

I ask my couples to walk towards me like they have had a little bit to much to drink! This also creates laugher and moment during the photos!


4. The booty bump

I love walking poses because they bring some naturalness to the photos! I have my couples walk together and pull out as far as they can then come back in and bump butts with each other! I have them to it three or four times in a row.

5. The Prom but not Prom pose

This one starts out awkward and quickly gets better. I have the girls back to the guys chest and have him put his arms over her. The key is to have them lean towards you from he waist! Do a cheek kiss in this position too!

Meet Krista


Welcome to the blog!  I’m a wedding and portrait photographer and you can see some of my work here. I’d love to hear from you so poke around and say hello in the contact form if you think I’m the right photographer for you!

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