Alright I know many have been wondering what the story was for us to elope so quickly! If you are new to my website this ,is my story with my husband. We have been dating since we were 12 years old! Yes, that means middle school sweethearts. I thought I was the coolest girl in […]
When you sister comes to you with an idea you just have to run with it! My sister Jenna is one of the most stylish people I know. She wears clothes that I could never dream of pulling off. She shops in a ton of vintage stores so she actually already had most of the […]
What a year 2021 has been. I am so thankful for all of my clients that trusted me to capture their memories this past year!
I have spent an amazing month and a half in Hawaii and I wanted to remember all of the incredible things I did, so I thought I’d write them down in a fun way. I made a list of about 47 things I have seen or done in Hawaii so get ready, I am about to tell you all of it!