Hello There! I am sure if you found this post you are just like me! I was searching for answers on what the process was like to elope and how it works. I was so anxious going into it without knowing what was going on. Because well it was my first time getting married! (like […]
Hello There! I am sure if you found this post you are just like me! I was searching for answers on what the process was like to elope and how it works. I was so anxious going into it without knowing what was going on. Because well it was my first time getting married! (like […]
I have spent an amazing month and a half in Hawaii and I wanted to remember all of the incredible things I did, so I thought I’d write them down in a fun way. I made a list of about 47 things I have seen or done in Hawaii so get ready, I am about to tell you all of it!